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Personal Details
Name Please enter your full name (capitalized format) adhering to English grammar rules. Your name will be displayed on the web, Ensure that your name is between 3 to 20 characters long.
Gender Select your gender from the options provided. This information will be used to personalize your experience, including images, commands, and other features on the platform. Your choice is important for tailoring our services to suit your preferences.
Professnal Details
Email Enter a valid email address following standard email grammar, This email will be crucial for future communication, including receiving OTPs, notifications about web updates, progress reports, and other essential features. Please ensure the accuracy of your provided email address to stay informed and engaged with our platform.
Position of Job Select your job position from the available options. Choosing the correct position is essential for ensuring a seamless experience while operating the system, especially in multi-user interfaces. Your selection will help tailor the features and functionalities according to your role.
Year of Work
Specify your work duration by entering both the date of joining and an approximate ending date. This information is vital for administrators to understand your tenure with precision, helping optimize the runtime of this web platform. Ensure the provided duration is a positive value and does not exceed 1 to 60 years.
Security Assets
Password Your password is generated by the system, ensuring its strength and security. If you prefer, you can create your own password, adhering to the password grammar requirements. Ensure it contains at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character. The total length must be under 16 characters for optimal security. Choose a password that strikes the right balance between complexity and memorability.
Confirm Password Re-enter your password for confirmation, Ensure it matches the password you've entered above. This step adds an extra layer of security to validate and confirm your chosen password. It's essential to input the same password to proceed further.
Color Choose your favorite color using the color picker. This color serves as a security asset and may be used to recover your account in case you forget your password. Please remember this color for future authentication and account recovery purposes.
Terms and Conditions
Yes, I agree with all terms and conditions
By checking the 'I agree with all terms and conditions' box, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and understood our privacy terms and conditions. If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to review our Terms & Conditions for a comprehensive understanding before proceeding. Your agreement is crucial for a smooth and secure experience on our platform.


Congratulations! Your sign-up was successful.
Our server has recevied your new account creation request, and we are currently processing all necessary details. Your new account has been approved, and you now have access to 5 MB of space.
Enjoy exploring and utilizing the features of our platform.


This greetings card containing your user ID and password for future reference. Please keep these credentials secure as they are essential for logging in and accessing various identification features on our platform. Never share your login details with others, log out after completing your tasks, and consider storing them in a safe place. Stay safe, be happy, and feel to reach out for any assistance. For more details freely contact our help desk team via email {{com.email}}, and briefly explain your problems or douts for better solution.

Thank You

Forgot Password

Name Please enter the full name associated with your account. The name you provide here should match the one you entered during the account creation process, ensuring accuracy in this field helps us validate your identity and proceed with the necessary steps to recover your password.
Gender Select the gender associated with your account. This information, previously provided during the sign-up process, serves as a crucial identifier, ensuring the accuracy of your gender selection is important for enhancing the security measures in the password recovery process. Kindly choose the gender that corresponds to the details you provided during your account registration.
UserId/Email Enter the unique User ID associated with your account. This User ID was generated and provided to you during the initial account creation process. Please ensure the accuracy of the User ID entered, as it is essential for initiating the password recovery process and accessing your account securely.
Color Choose the color associated with your account. This color, selected during the sign-up process, serves as an additional layer of security for account verification. Please select the same color you chose when creating your account, ensuring accuracy in this field helps us validate your identity and proceed with the necessary steps for password recovery.
Terms and Conditions
Yes, I agree with all terms and conditions
By checking the 'I agree with all terms and conditions' box, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and understood our privacy terms and conditions. If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to review our Terms & Conditions for a comprehensive understanding before proceeding. Your agreement is crucial for a smooth and secure experience on our platform.

Privacy Policy

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{{com.name}} Profile (Preview)

Your profile preview highlights key details for others, offering a glimpse of your identity without revealing everything. The complete profile is yours to edit, ensuring privacy and control over your information.
loading.. Chosen by you, this image serves as your public profile picture, adding a personal touch to your profile. Feel free to modify this picture at your discretion
Name The above field serves as a significant element on your profile, showcasing the identity by which you are recognized across the platform. Adhering to grammatical conventions, this name will be prominently displayed wherever you contribute or are mentioned. Notably, the flexibility of this field allows for changes, ensuring your profile stays up-to-date with your personal preferences and identity choices.

Gender The above field plays a crucial role in displaying the user's chosen gender identity, providing a personalized touch to your profile. Following established gender grammar, this field ensures accurate representation and respect for diverse gender expressions. Importantly, this field remains flexible, allowing users the freedom to update and align it with their evolving identity preferences over time.

Email The above field serves as a prominent feature, showcasing the user's provided email address across the platform. Adhering to email grammar conventions, this field ensures the accuracy and validity of the email information. Additionally, users have the flexibility to modify this field, facilitating updates to their contact details and maintaining an up-to-date profile.

Job Position The above field prominently exhibits the user's designated job position, offering insight into their professional role. Users can modify this field to accurately reflect any changes in their job position, ensuring the displayed information aligns with their current professional standing. This dynamic feature enables individuals to maintain an updated and relevant portrayal of their occupational status throughout the platform.

Year of Work Joining Ending The above field encapsulates essential details regarding the user's job history. It comprises two segments: "Joining" signifies the commencement date of the job, while "Ending" indicates an estimated conclusion date. The time duration spans between 1 and 60 years, offering flexibility and accommodating various professional tenures. Users can seamlessly modify this field to accurately reflect any alterations in their work history, ensuring the presented information aligns with their evolving career trajectory.

Roll/Post The above field serves as a visual representation of the user's designated role or post within the web interface, a classification determined solely by the super admin. This field plays a pivotal role in defining the user's authority and responsibilities within the system. The exclusivity of modifying this field lies with the super admin, emphasizing their pivotal role in assigning specific privileges and powers to individual users, contributing to a well-organized and secure operational framework.

Profile Changes Reflection Opt for this setting to ensure that any modifications made to your profile details are promptly reflected across all relevant sections. Keep your information up-to-date and consistent.
Others Mention Me Enable this option to receive notifications when other users mention your profile. Stay informed about relevant interactions within your network.
Store Login History By activating this feature, your login history will be securely stored. This enhances security and allows you to track your account access for added peace of mind.

Password The above field serves as a confidential gateway, displaying the user's entered password in a secure and private manner. Unlike other fields, the contents of this field remain concealed from public view, ensuring heightened privacy and security. Users have the flexibility to modify this field, allowing them to adapt and strengthen their access credentials over time.

User Id The "User ID" field showcases the system-generated identification assigned to each user. With an emphasis on privacy, this ID remains confidential, visible only to super admin for administrative purposes. Unlike other editable fields, the User ID is immutable, providing a constant and unique identifier linked to each user within the system.

Color The above field displays a user-selected color, serving as a distinctive security asset. While users have the flexibility to modify this field, its private nature ensures that only the user can view and access their chosen color. This personalized touch adds an extra layer of security to the user's account without compromising privacy.

Make My Profile Public Opt for profile visibility to make your profile accessible to the public. Share your contributions and activities with a wider audience.
Show My DP with Profile Enable this option to display your profile picture alongside your profile details. Personalize your profile and make it easily recognizable to others.
Include Account Type/Roll Choose to showcase your account type or role in your profile. Let others know your position or role within the system for better identification.

Don't show security key Your userid, password, color status will never show in your public profile, only you can see this.
Settings Data Reflects Every User's Device Activate this setting to ensure that changes made to your account settings are reflected uniformly across all devices where your account is accessed. Maintain a consistent user experience.

Institution Name The above field reveals the user's affiliated institution, showcasing the workplace details. While this information is public, offering transparency, it can only be altered by the super admin, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the system.

Institution Branch The Institute Branch field highlights the specific branch or division within the user's affiliated institution. Providing insight into the organizational structure, this information is visible to other users. However, to maintain accuracy and consistency, modifications to this field can only be executed by the super admin, ensuring reliable representation of the institute's branches.

Institution Address The above field provides insight into the location of the user's workplace. Although this information is visible to other users, only the super admin has the authority to modify it. This approach maintains the consistency and integrity of the institutional data.

Institution Contact Displaying the user's institute email, this field serves as a contact point. It is publicly accessible, allowing other users to connect. However, modifications to this field are solely under the control of the super admin, guaranteeing the accuracy and legitimacy of the provided email.

Institution Estd. Year The Establishment Year of Institution field discloses the founding year of the user's workplace. While this historical detail is public, offering context, only the super admin can modify it. This controlled access ensures the reliability of the institution's establishment information.

Yes, I agree with all terms and conditions By checking the 'I agree with all terms and conditions' box, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and understood our privacy terms and conditions.

All of the fields on this page are muted and importent but some of them can be updated at any time, and by filling them out, this all the information provided by you and directly manipulated your public profile. Please see our Privacy statement to learn more about how we use this information.
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